Mexico to Panama in 7 weeks?

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean Mexico to Panama in 7 weeks?

1. Posted by mugsy10 (Budding Member 19 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Alright there guys, after spending Christmas and new year in Colombia, i developed a taste for Latin America so I have decided to travel from Mexico City to Panama City in summer. Because of study commitments, I can only do seven weeks. I just wanted to ask anybody in the know whether this is a realistic amount of time to see a good amounts of sights? My main places of interests are Lake Nicaragua, El Salvador and some Mayan ruins in Guatemala. I don't think i will be heading to Belize.
Also, what would be a good budget to have?

Thanks in advance

2. Posted by Piecar (Inactive 1218 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

It's plenty of time to get from Mexico City to Panama City. Some others will be aghast at this, I bet. I expect some gnashing of teeth, and some admonishments, but you can do it, and not have to be killing yourself pacing wise either. Obviously, you'll have to budget your time, and you won't be able to see everything. I suggest you build some free days into the schedule in case you think you might want to stay some place or other a little longer.

Panama City is dull as dirt. Any takers on this debate? Usually get someone to bite.

Good Luck Out There


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