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(Budding Member 6 posts)
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Good day,
i 'm looking forward to make the ( transsib ) trans mongolia trip between the end of may and august 2010
for one or two month.
I have been travelling from 07.08 - 09.09 last year in Australia, Fiji, Thailand, Philippines and Bali.
The next big trip is Trans Siberian Railway. Russia, Mongolia and China!
I am planning to shoot a short dokumentation and looking for 1, 2 or 3... people who want to join me.
I will do the trip twice, so there are two options.
From Moskau (St Petersburg) to Bejing between Mai - Juli
Bejing to Moskau (...Germany) Juli - August
...i have to be back on the 01.09 to sign me on at the univ. hehe
I am studding media design and use the dokumentation for my final thesis.
It is although possible to pay a part of the tickets... i try to get a sponsorship for the project.
If you want to knowe more just contact me (german/english...russian/beginner...)
cheers paul
[ Edit: Edited on 11-Feb-2010, at 08:11 by studdicam ]
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(Budding Member 70 posts)
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Hey =D
So sometime in July you are going to go from Beijing back to Moscow?? Are you planning to stop in any cities or go straight from Beijing to Moscow? If you plan on stopping in random cities, I'd be up for trying it :P
I'm, sort of, doing something similiar :D
In May I am starting in Korea and making a big half-circle through Far East Russia, down through Mongolia into China. After, I am then going from China towards Moscow, also sometime in July :P
Oh yea, speak any Russian?
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(Budding Member 6 posts)
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Hey thanks for the prompt reply!
jear right, there are two ways to do the Trans Siberian, make the whole trip in one go,
or to stop off on the way.
I want to do both. I like traveling a lot and i am not in a rush ..hehe!
I talked to some people how have donne the trip a few times and everyone told me the same...
Both trips are unique.
I more or less just started to plan the journey, it depends on the travel mates...which one i do first.
I am in contact with some official tours too. ( a temporary solution )
i have started to learn russian at the univ. this year and my girlfriend is half russian too... its far better to speak that thing!!
I knowe plans changes, but do you have a rough idea how long you want to travel from Bejing to Moskau?
cheers paul
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(Budding Member 70 posts)
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Well learning Russian is a great idea, it will definitely help :P I did the trip last year, and before Moscow found almost no English. On all the train rides I took, I only found 1 english speaker the entire time Additionally, I did 3rd class the whole way. Last year I started in South Korea and went from Vladivostok to Moscow. Also stopping in Kharbovsk and Yekaterinburg along the way. And... no tour company. Planned and did it all myself :P
But yea I am looking at doing something similiar again this year :D
For how long I plan to travel... From Bejing to Moscow, I was thinking around 3-4 weeks. Is that too short? :P
My entire trip though... It will be about 3 months.
Hey do you have msn or aol messenger? Itll be alot easier to talk on there, compared to waiting a day or so for a reply :D Plus, Ill be able to better explain my whole trip idea :D
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(Budding Member 6 posts)
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at first thanks for all your responds and ideas!!
@ lakers6902:
Sorry, i had no internet connection last week...
i have no msn... what about skype/facebook?
or just send me a privat message with your contact details
cheers p.
I want to do the trans-sib in one go from moskau to bejing (june/july)??
and back (July/august) with stopping at a few citys.
2 month total. Times are not fix jet!
And small groups are fine too!
Many people wanted to know what the film is about and what would be there part ...
It will be a road trip-dokumentation about the trans mongolian railway.
Its a mix of direct-cinema and dokumentation about the history.
direct cinema means to show the normal live without any manipulation from outside!
Your parts would be a kind of an actor but without a scribt or a storyboard... that doesn't mean that i will film all the time!!
its more a collection of moments. I will write the story on the trip. Its like writing a diary while traveling...
Don't hesitate to ask, if you have any questions? Privat or in this thread.
cheers paul
[ Edit: Edited on 21-Feb-2010, at 06:03 by studdicam ]
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(Budding Member 70 posts)
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private message sent
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(Budding Member 6 posts)
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cheers p.
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