
Travel Forums General Talk Emotionsssss

1. Posted by Nauseum (Budding Member 11 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

I leave May12th, 2010 to Southeast Asia for 6 months. I can't help but to feel happy, nervous, excited, scared and sad. Sad? Who would be sad about going travelling for 6 months?!

I never expected to feel sad about the whole thing! What kinds of emotions are you guys feeling. Before and after your trip?


2. Posted by Piecar (Inactive 1218 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

It's a long trip, and you are leaving the comfort of home hearth friends and family. Sad is an acceptable emotion.

I have, before, even felt disappointed...Projecting on my trip that it may suck and I just wasted my time even before it started. That's travelling. A roller coaster of emotion.

Have a good trip. Be safe out there.


3. Posted by nomadSteve (Budding Member 13 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

I second all that Nauseum. I am in a similar position about to take off to SE Asia for a few months. It really is a rollercoaster of emotions. For me, sadness is at the bottom of that list of emotions but still there. As you are taking 6 months off, it is likely that some part of your life is finishing. Sadness is a natural part of all that. And I think that emotional journey is one of the main things you get out of a trip like this. And an understanding of these emotions. I say: Enjoy it all!

4. Posted by razzaefc (Budding Member 109 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

im glad you said it as i was thinking it, i leave in novemver for 12 months, its my first time, and although im really looking forward to it, like you im feeling weird emotions, quite allot already considering im not leaving for ages, but up there is feeling sad, i think im sad that im leaving my comfort zone, the things im used to, and most of all my friends and family, every time im out with friends, someone just has to bring up that im going and it makes me sad that i wont get to see them for 12 months, but i think the experience i will get out of it, the new friends and everything else that comes with traveling will make me realise it was the best thing iv ever done, and at some point, ill be back home again, with the same friends and family.
bring on november!!!!!

5. Posted by Nauseum (Budding Member 11 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

12 months would be even worse! I'd be even more of a wreck. Haha! I think it was said right in terms of missing being comfortable. Although I've been living in an uncomfortable situation for about 7 months now I know this trip will put a new meaning to that. The worst is at night when I get thinking about everything and then I cant fall asleep!

6. Posted by Swept Away (Travel Guru 1116 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

I just packed my stuff tonight... and I am "going the distance to be where I belong", line from the disney animation, Hercules.

I wish I have emotions... I feel numb, I guess I am anxious in denial. But I expect the excitement and joy to come once I leave this ultra laid back paradise for the big cities.

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