Free/Cheap Volunteering India and Nepal

Travel Forums Asia Free/Cheap Volunteering India and Nepal

1. Posted by melita.c. (First Time Poster 1 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Hi there-

I've been searching the net for free volunteering programs i could do in either India or Nepal in August 2010 and unfortunately i can only find expensive companies!

Does ANYONE know of any volunteer programs in India/ Nepal where you can work for free and just pay for your board, travel and food? I'm only able to volunteer for a short time (a few weeks) so could you let me know if these programs have a minimum time requirement?

My main objective is to find a fun and life changing program which will give me the opportunity to meet many other locals and volunteers as I will be travelling alone. If you have personally experienced doing a volunteer program which you would really recommend please let me know!

Look forward to what everyone has to suggest :)

2. Posted by nomadSteve (Budding Member 13 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Hi There.

One option is PA Nepal. PA Nepal runs a few orphanages for children whose parents are in jail in Nepal. It also runs a few programs to help women and children in the jails.

There website states a minimum 2 month commitment, however most of the volunteers I met were doing much shorter stints than that. Certainly contact them and ask. Personally, i had met a couple of other volunteers there around Kathmandu, and tagged along for only a few days. A fantastic experience.

No money is required at all.

I would certainly suggest finding a free or cheap program. You can never be to sure that your money is going to the right places otherwise.

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