Cell phones in Thailand?

Travel Forums Asia Cell phones in Thailand?

1. Posted by sverapasworld (Budding Member 64 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

So I am heading to Thailand in October. I have been there once before, but did not bring a cell phone. I was only there for a couple of weeks and just communicated via Facebook and e-mail. I am going for about a month now and was wonder how to go about the whole cell phone situation. I have spoken to my provider and was told that there is no costly plan for overseas calls. Apart from dismantling it, I do not have access to the S.I.M card on my phone. So do any of you have any clue on what to do and how much would it cost.


2. Posted by Curt1591 (Respected Member 230 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

You can buy a simple Sim ready cell phone, starting at around $25, maybe $30 with sim and telephone number.

If you head into a CAT office, you can pick up an international calling card, for 300 baht, that will let you talk for what seems forever!

3. Posted by Jennyyore (Budding Member 66 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

When I was in Thailand my phone worked fine.

But I noticed lots of Thais in the street with a table set up and phones laid out, I found out later that they let tourists use their phones for international calls for a low fee! Not sure if this still happens.

4. Posted by loubylou (Respected Member 664 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

If you don't manage to get a simple unlocked phone (try MBK in Bangkok) then the calling cards Curt mentions are quite good. We had one once and it seemed to last forever!

5. Posted by ems99 (Budding Member 31 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Can you take a uk unlocked mobile phone and buy a thai pay as you go sim when you arrive in bangkok? (Or other se asia countries as you go along) im presuming this works?

6. Posted by Curt1591 (Respected Member 230 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Yes, sims are available everywhere.

7. Posted by sverapasworld (Budding Member 64 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!


I apologize for my ignorance but here is my next question. Are S.I.M cards universal? I have an old Motorola Razor Should I worry about finding a S.I.M for it or will I be fine.

Thanks and Sorry


8. Posted by Curt1591 (Respected Member 230 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

I would believe that the sims will be universal. If I were you, rather than packing an expensive phone from home, I would pick one up, here, for under 30 bucks. You will have no compatibility problems, and won't risk losing that expensive phone.

BTW, if your Razor is Verizon, you'll have to hunt down a Hutch service peddler and live with there limited CDMA coverage.

9. Posted by sverapasworld (Budding Member 64 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!


My phone is AT&T I use Verison here at home but I heard it is not the best phone to use overseas. The phone I have is pretty old so I don't mind using it in Thailand. I will definitely (whoa just had an earthquake) buy a cheap phone in Thailand.



10. Posted by Curt1591 (Respected Member 230 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Many US phones are also "locked", allowing them to be used only with certain providers. That might be another obstacle to using your Razor.

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