First time in Finland

Travel Forums Europe First time in Finland

1. Posted by nyunyu (Budding Member 2 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Hi, I will be flying from Malaysia tomorrow and this will be my first trip to Finland. Actually, this is business trip. I just wondering if someone can advice me on clothing attire in this month. Should I bring along my thick jacket?

Appreciate your help.


2. Posted by Sam I Am (Admin 5588 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

It's starting to get pretty chilly in these parts, and the past week here in Oslo it's been around freezing point at nights, so yes, I'd recommend a jacket. Depending on how cold resistant you are it doesn't necessarily have to be a thick jacket if you are wearing a bunch of layers underneath it.

3. Posted by Ofelia (Respected Member 142 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Yes! Take a jacket, and preferably a thick one, too!
It might be very sunny, but in the cities it's also very windy- Helsinki is by the sea, and Tampere wedged between two large lakes, so you get a lot of gusty wind. I'm not sure where you are going, but as it's a business trip, I'm assuming it's one of these two.

Don't forget a pair of gloves either, although you can buy some fairly cheaply almost anywhere.

4. Posted by nyunyu (Budding Member 2 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

I plan to only bring along my 2 layers jacket which I find it pretty thick and @Ofelia, thanks. I guess I'll buy a pair when I arrived there.
Weather is good I assume?

5. Posted by Sallyxx (Budding Member 42 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Just curious... how did you find the weather?

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