Best place to move in England, help?

Travel Forums Europe Best place to move in England, help?

Last Post This thread is marked as being about England
1. Posted by SithMaster (First Time Poster 1 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Hello everyone, I'm a 21 year old American male, and plan on moving to England after college. The thing is I have no idea where to move. I'm used to big cities, and would need to be able to find a job easily(business/marketing major), so try to keep that in mind when telling about cities? It'd be highly appreciated. Any and all input will be valued when I get back from work. Thanks all =]

2. Posted by davidx (Respected Member 34 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

It's not possible to say which city would suit you best without knowing a bit more about you. In general you may find better accommodation at any given payment level in Manchester, Bradford or leeds than in the south.

Getting the sort of job you want or even getting clearance to apply for work could be a major problem anywhere. Many emerging from Universities are finding it extremely difficult to find jobs.

3. Posted by Craggy (Budding Member 43 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

London of course is great. But some of others that may be good for you would be Birmingham, Manchester of Liverpool.

It all depends on where you can find the work and what your finances are. The North is generally cheaper and London is the most expensive. But London is the biggest and has the most going on.

4. Posted by fabyomama (Respected Member 560 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Unless you have a big budget, I'd have thought the job comes first. You might be lucky and get exactly what you want - great job, great money, great place to live. But if not, at least you'll be in a better position to look around with the benefit of experience and something on your cv. Good luck.

5. Posted by Sallyxx (Budding Member 42 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Best place is wherever you can find a job. London would be my choice - more cosmopolitan, more diverse, better travel connections, more jobs available and the weather's better too.

6. Posted by magykal1 (Travel Guru 2026 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Big Cities.....

maybe Bristol

Most jobs in London, also highest cost of living.

7. Posted by thegeegs (Budding Member 20 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Hi there !

Can I ask why you want to move to the UK?

I have to tell you its hideously more expensive than most places in the US and, the level of unemployment is just as high there comparitively speaking. There are also many UK people with your Degree looking for work... I hope you dont drink or smoke, or you will be broke by the end of the first week....and taxes are very high

I dont want to sound bleak, but is this just something you would like to do, or is there some specific reason?

I would suggest you look in the classifieds of "good" newspapers. If I remember correctly, Thursday always seemed to have a lot of "jobs available" ads

Let me know if I can help you with more specifics... I was from the South originally, very beautiful, but more expensive than North, but very different culturally

Liz :)

8. Posted by Walker12 (Budding Member 6 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

Hi Sithmaster,

I think that its great you are moving to the UK. I am here now and love it. I am living and working in London where its all happening. I stay in Putney, google it:)

When are you planning on moving over? There are jobs available and there are thousands of recruitment companies that can help you.

What else do you need advise on?

9. Posted by t_maia (Travel Guru 3289 posts) 14y Star this if you like it!

One thing nobody has mentioned yet - have you considered the visa issues?

You cannot just move to another country and get a job there, if it was that easy there would be a lot more people doing exactly that. As a U.S. citizen you most definitely need an immigration visa and a work permit to move to the UK and get a job there. This won't be easy.

There are a few options available to you, check them out at

- ancestry visa
- skilled migrant visa
- student visa

If you graduate from a university in the UK you are usually given a chance to find a job, for this job you can then get a work permit. So look at doing masters or PhD in the UK.

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