tourist visa into australia

Travel Forums Australia / New Zealand & The Pacific tourist visa into australia

1. Posted by KingHus (First Time Poster 1 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

hi everyone in new to this site but i seem to have a problem maybe someone can help me with,

my sister wants to bring a friend from turkey to australia for a visit and we had sent a form from australia sponsoring and accepting the friend that she has a place to stay with us, now my sister didnt apply to the immigration office yet, due to waiting on the letter only to find out its been 2 weeks and no letter has arrived and it is now lost. they are scheduled to come on the 17th of january, how long will it take them to get a visa and if there is any faster methods?

2. Posted by KoalaGirl (Travel Guru 307 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

You should refer to the information on the Australian Department of Immigration Website for details about visas and routine processing time. If you are concerned about whether the visa will be processed in time, contact the Department directly. Contact details are on the webiste and vary depending on which visa your sister and her friend have applied for.

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