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(Budding Member 4 posts)
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I am off to Oz in January with a WHV, and need advise about medication.
I get my Epilepsy Medication (Lamotrogine) for free from the NHS in the UK. I can take 3 months worth of tablets with me, paid for by the NHS, but any medication for longer than that is going to cost me £800 for the extra 9 months! I didnt ask how or if I could take it all with me, but 12 months of tablets are obviously very bulky!
Can I can get them in Oz?
Do I need to register with a doctor? (bearing in mind I will be travelling)
Can medication be posted to Oz from the UK? (therefore still getting it free from the NHS) Who is going to know whats in the envelope?
Any help much appreciated
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(Budding Member 15 posts)
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They do mark all packages, and many medications can't be brought into australia becuase of our medicare scheme. I know from my own medications that in australia you need a paient care number to recieve a script for any medication, your best way to look is to contact the aust gov medicare if not a customs/border office via the internet
try to navigate from there it might help.
I have to say i found it difficult to get into the uk with my medications!
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(Full Member 156 posts)
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It shouldn't be a problem, I had to take my medication with me. But when I got their, i registered with a doctor. That cost my $90AUD, but they gave me a prescription for 6 months worth of meeds. Just take your UK documents with you, and you shouldn't have a problem.