Travel Forums Europe IRISHRAIL

1. Posted by ashodasho (Budding Member 15 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Whats the diference between a Irish rail premum seat and a standard seat, and is it orth it?

2. Posted by LittleT (Budding Member 9 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

I can't actually tell you the difference between a premium and standard seat. But having used Irish rail a number of times recently, I can tell you that the standard seats are to me, perfectly adequate and comfortable. Train travel in Ireland can be expensive even for a standard seat so unless you have money to throw away, I would recommend the standard seat.

3. Posted by zaksame (Respected Member 571 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

A premium ticket is one which can be bought for what we classify as 'long' journies - ie, Cork to Dublin. These tickets are almost like first class and are quieter and a little more comfortable. My advice would be not to waste money on a Premium ticket and buy a regular ticket 'on-line' as they tend to be cheaper on-line.

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