places to suggest for honeymoon

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean places to suggest for honeymoon

1. Posted by anasieef (Budding Member 3 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Hi everyone,
i'm planning to go on a trip to South America for my honeymoon. it'll be around december/january. i've never been there before and i'm wondering if any of you have been to any of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay,Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador and what cities would you suggest to visit. for example if you went to a city that had an amazing beach please mention next to it. thanx! :)

2. Posted by Piecar (Inactive 1218 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

I'd go to Santa Marta, Colombia. Nice area. Beautiful landscape. Scuba diving, cheap and pretty safe. Isla Margarita, Venezuela, better....OOOOHH!!! Provedencia, Colombia! An island which is actually closer to Nicaragua. Island living...That's a honeymoon, baby!

3. Posted by anasieef (Budding Member 3 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

thank uuuuuuuuuuu for the helpful tips! :)

4. Posted by aspirants2011 (Inactive 6 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

go to brazil.
as it has a good n beautiful weather.
It is the world's fifth largest country,and you will be able to visit

Destinations in Brazil
Iguacu Falls
Ouro Preto
Praia do Forte
Recife and Olinda
Rio de Janeiro
Sao Paulo

kind of places...


5. Posted by tourdeflor (Budding Member 7 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Not sure what languages you are good with or how long of a trip you are planning.

My wife and I did Chile, Argentina, Peru. Iguazu falls is awesome and can be accessed by either of the three bordering countries.

My top pick would be Mendoza, Argentina. It will be summer there. The wineries are awesome and the people are fantastic. The food is great and the beer is plentiful as well. Santiago, Chile is a very nice metropolitan city as well.

Of course Machu Pichu in Peru is a place that will never be forgotten. Cuzco is also a great little town.

Costa Rica is awesome and safe. If you are more adventurous there are other great places in Central America. Bocas Del Toro Panama being one.


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7. Posted by anasieef (Budding Member 3 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

thank u aaall for the your helpful tips
@ Mike i speak English and Arabic fluently. planning to be there for around 3 weeks. any other suggestions? thanks agai :)

8. Posted by Protraveller (Inactive 1 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

I would recommend you Santa Teresa, Mal Pais, Costa Rica, is a beautiful beach, a place to relax and enjoy, very popular destination in CR, for honeymoons. Not too crowded or touristy, this beach has been cataloged as one of the top ten beaches in the world, is veyr beautiful.

9. Posted by georgecombey (Inactive 3 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Quoting anasieef

thank u aaall for the your helpful tips
@ Mike i speak English and Arabic fluently. planning to be there for around 3 weeks. any other suggestions? thanks agai :)

I agree with the other forumite's suggestions. Brazil is a good place to start your honeymoon. Actually, most south American countries have the best place for a honeymoon. Europe is another option. Good luck on your honey moon. My suggestion to both of you is enjoy!

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