South America May 2011

Travel Forums Travel Companions South America May 2011

1. Posted by dom1n1que90 (Budding Member 3 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Hi everyone,
My sister and I are planning on landing in Buenos Aires mid-May this year, going down to Patagonia and then up the west coast all the way to Colombia.. We are from Brisbane, Australia and are looking for anyone interested in doing the same sort of route. Please let us know!!

2. Posted by Marianneden (First Time Poster 1 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

I am a 22year old female from Canada. Looking to do much of the same. I am hoping to arrive in South America around the 5th of May and the only must do's on my travels are Macchu Picchu, Easter Island and Galapagos if money allows. Let me know if you would be interested in meeting up!

3. Posted by hench (Budding Member 86 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

hey im in rio now not sure yet i might be ahead or behind you in may keep me posted it will me nice to meet new peeps

4. Posted by tourdeflor (Budding Member 7 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

What are you planning on doing down that way in May? That is getting into their fall and as you head south it will be cold... last year I was in Buenos Aires in July(mid winter) and it was quite cold. We made the trip west to Mendoza and then to Chile. The trip further south will be massive amounts of nature. I am not knowledgeable about crossing into Chile further south. I believe the bus trip from BA to patagonia was more than 20 hours...

You will love B.A. you can find good reasonable hostels with families. Buenos Aires also great for plays etc. What are you interested in doing there? Iguazua falls and Spanish missions a short flight north are quite worth the trip if you are interested. We also loved Salta (also north) and Mendoza.

We loved the australian hospitality with friends in Melbourne and Canberra! Cheers;)

Mike Floreth

5. Posted by dom1n1que90 (Budding Member 3 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Hey there,
Thanks for all the info, am so so excited about getting a start on this journey! I just came back in December from living 5 months in Bogota, Colombia and it was so so cold there too!
I've heard about Mendoza and Iguazu falls and am definitely hoping to make a visit to them. I also have a Colombian friend in BA who will hopefully be able to help us out for the best places to see there. How did you travel? By buses? And how long did you spend on your trip in total? And costs too if you don't mind me asking??
We will definitely be doing research into the best routes to take, but definitely want to make it down to Patagonia during our trip. Will see how it all pans out!
Thanks for the nice comment on Australia!! Next time you will have to visit Brisbane!!
Take care and thanks again

And Hench, let us know where you're at around mid-May so we can keep in touch. Take care and have fun!!

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