Sydney or Melbourne?????

Travel Forums Australia / New Zealand & The Pacific Sydney or Melbourne?????

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1. Posted by Gooner_ali (Budding Member 73 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!


Im going to do a working holiday around Australia in January and plan to start south and work my way around to Cairns then maybe across to Broome and down to Perth.

What I cant decide is whether to start in Melbourne or Sydney?

Wondering if anyone can help, which city did you prefer? If i miss out Melbourne would i be missing something exciting/interesting to see?

which one would be easier to get jobs in January?


2. Posted by timtravels (Respected Member 350 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Not sure which city would be easier to find a job in, jobs in cafes/retail are popular with people on school/uni holidays so unless you're looking for skilled work it might be hard to find something.

Melbourne as a city is apparently more cultural and has a better cafe vibe than Sydney, when I was there I didn't think it was anything special. If you're into hiking then the Grampians west of Melbourne are great as are the Snowy Mountains between Melbourne and Sydney. You might also like to visit the Great Ocean Road if you choose to start down there.

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4. Posted by magykal1 (Travel Guru 2026 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Both cities are great to visit. If I were going as a tourist I would go for Sydney, there are definitely more 'sights', but I think I would go for Melbourne if I was going to stay there for any length of time, it's a friendly city with lots going on and I would imagine it's a good place to live.

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6. Posted by domel9 (Full Member 24 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

I'm facing the same dilemma, but all advice I've heard is making me lean towards Melbourne.. And if I don't like it after a week or so, quick flight to Brisbane!

7. Posted by janieblack (Budding Member 3 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

I wound up emigrating to Australia permanently because of my working holiday in Australia many years ago. I went to Melbourne... and I still live here...! The main decider for me was cost (Sydney is more expensive) and arts/culture (I think Melbourne is better for that) but if I were a beach bunny, I'd have picked Sydney.

I love Sydney, though, even though I have really loved living in Melbourne. If I were you, I would definitely try to visit both, regardless of where you start.

8. Posted by morro (Full Member 102 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

The decision should be yours. Some people like Sydney, some people like Melbourne. I reckon you should visit both cities for one or two weeks and then make your call. I agree with Janie, Sydney is definitely more expensive. You should be able to get jobs in both cities.

9. Posted by Jemmadash (Budding Member 11 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Janie can i ask you how you emigrated to oz? Did u stay on ur working holiday visa for a year or two then apply for citizenship? Was it pretty straight forward?

10. Posted by Gooner_ali (Budding Member 73 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Thanks guys, thats a lot of help

Ive always thought of Sydney as my 1st destination i don't know why tho!And it wasnt till i asked this question that i thought about Melbourne.

I felt that that there would be more things going on in Sydney I suppose, As I am not sure what attractions there are in Melbourne apart from the Great Ocean road, but thats coming out of Melbourne.

Are there attractions that I should be aware of?

Also the point of Sydney being really expensive might mean me staying there less time than anticipate.

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