South East Asia - Sept/Oct 2011

Travel Forums Travel Companions South East Asia - Sept/Oct 2011

1. Posted by boozyfloozy_si (Budding Member 40 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Hi All

Seen similar posts on here with the same people messaging - looks like there are a few of us heading that way but it's getting a bit complicated with so many threads

I'm looking for a travel buddy/travel buddies for some of my trip - have set up a facebook page so it is easier for anyone travelling there around that time to hook up and chat/plan

Plan to head to Bangkok around the 15th ish Sept and will take the pace as it goes - hope to hit the FM Party in October and volunteer in Chiang Mai for a week or 2. Also hope to hit the following countries at some point:
Malaysia (and Borneo)
Indonesia, Bali and East Timor
maybe the Philippines

Please drop me a line if some of that appeals to you and when you're heading out - even better, join the facebook page so everyone is talking about the same thing in the same place. The name of the facebook page is South East Asia Travel late 2011

I'm pretty easy going and chilled out. Love a laugh and a drink but also want to see a bit of the place, hangover or no hangover!



2. Posted by indranur (Inactive 10 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

If you come to Indonesia just let me know,maybe we can do motor biking around Bali and end in Florest...........i am from Yogyakarta,central java,Indonesia

3. Posted by crisy123 (Budding Member 10 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

im headiing to bangkok on the 14th september, i have a full day on my own before my friend arrives so if your heading there on the 14th then be good to go with someone as i am a little apprehensive of flying to bangkok alone.

Crisy x

4. Posted by Xuka (First Time Poster 1 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

I don't have a chance to bangkok but I heard that bangkok is very beautiful and famous. Go and enjoy yourself. Take care!

[ Edit: Edited on 15-Jul-2011, at 00:17 by Xuka ]

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