How do I put a "contact email" in my navigation?

Travel Forums System Talk How do I put a "contact email" in my navigation?

1. Posted by JaymeBarrett (Budding Member 2 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

I just started my blog and I didn't see a place to put my email address or a place where people can find me. Can you tell me how to do this?


2. Posted by Sam I Am (Admin 5588 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Hi Jayme, I'm afraid we don't have the option for that, nor is it likely we'll add it given the spam boys it will attract. Any other member can either send you a message from your profile page or of course anyone can comment on blog entries if you have set your blog to accept comments. I'm not sure what you mean regarding others finding you I'm afraid. If you post a blog entry it's posted to a number of pages on TP allowing others to find you. For family and friends it's usually easiest to send them all the link and asking them to subscribe. Hope that helps!

3. Posted by JaymeBarrett (Budding Member 2 posts) 13y Star this if you like it!

Thanks Sam. I just assumed that there is a place where you can "contact" the blog owner from people outside Travellers Point. I did put my Twitter account on the Nav Bar so people can find me there or on from web site I guess. Agreed we don't want the spammers getting our addresses.

Thanks much!

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