The sounds of cars whizzing by as they emit noxious gasses, the buzz of people talking about the latest trends and how this celebrity divorced that, and has 2 kids with another, all while being idolized for their ability to get plastic surgery. I keep thinking, ‘this can't be natural’ – ‘there has to be so much more than this.’ I have faith that people have the capacity to be inherently good and to achieve great things, if only we can rid ourselves of the superficial distractions society attempts to force upon us in the western world. Thank god this hit me like a bullet to the head and I was able to take a step back and appreciate the beauty of the world around me without the distractions.
In the past year and a bit it has been a journey; a journey of growth, of joy, of heartache, of lessons learned and realizations. As my 24th birthday has just rolled by, I am at the point right now where I am almost done preparing my spirit, my body, and my soul for this next step in life. I have been posting forums for a little over a year and have been dreaming when this time would come. Well here it is!
I wish I had more time to continue my story but I want to be able to post some pictures of some of one particular spectacle I have had the honour to experience while working in a camp in northern Alberta. What better backdrop to have as you learn about new friends, share stories, and talk about the meaningful aspects of life over a couple brewsky's
Happy travels!
Live, Love, & Laugh
P.S. Take a look at my profile for a quick introduction to who I am. feel free to send me a message and get in touch
P.P.S. I leave on my journey in 6 days - stay tuned as my blogs will be up and running in the next two weeks :-D
[ Edit: Sorry, no personal details please. ]