where are you keeping all your valuables?

Travel Forums General Talk where are you keeping all your valuables?

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11. Posted by traventurers (Budding Member 5 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Where to keep your valuables is always a problem.
All the more reason to carry as FEW items with you as possible, the less you have the less to lose and the less to keep an eye on.
After 20 odd years of travel we find that for money, cards and Passport, the best item is the flip-over-belt type wallet, it is a wallet with a loop that threads onto your trouser belt, then flips over when not in use so that it sits INSIDE your trousers. ideal if you are a fellow or a gal who wears trousers.
We always carry about £5 of local currency in a normal wallet chained to our belt for incidental items or to hand over to a thief.
However, todays travellers seem to carry more valuables in the way of cameras, ipods, iphones etc, all of which has become a pain in terms of security. just what the answer to keeping those safe is a problem.
A small shoulder bag for carrying a lightweight rain jacket, camera etc and slung ACROSS the chest is always a useful item to have.
The roaming Romseys

12. Posted by fraluchi (Full Member 132 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

The key is to remain alert at all times and don't display your "goodies" (camera, iPod, cellphone, etc.). Keep photocopies of your passport somewhere away from your usual gear. I e-mail these to myself, together with other info which I may need in an emergency through internet.

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