Hi guys, thanks for all theresponses!
I've booked a ticket for the 3rd july, cant wait i went last summer from july to september, and the weather was good, but its monsoon season so very humid with a bit of rain every day. but its nice warm rain!
Anyone thats going at a similar time feel free to message me and i'll find you on facebook, it would be great to meet up out there!
SE Asia summer 2012
Yeah I always go around June to Sept time. The weather is fine. I actually really like and hours rain a day. It keeps everything looking really fresh and green!
I'm from Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia.
Jakarta is like New York and Bangkok, crowded but there's many interesting places to explore.
Me and my friends open a new city tour business. If you visit Jakarta, we have smart and cheap city tour packages. Maybe you also have chance to meet one of the world leader autograph collector in Jakarta, we can arrange that
If you have questions about Jakarta or Indonesia just ask me
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