7 days in Canada, what to see?

Travel Forums North America 7 days in Canada, what to see?

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1. Posted by Tory-Vic (Budding Member 87 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Hi all,
I will have 7 days in Canada in June 2012,
What shall i see there?
Or 7 days is too little?

2. Posted by Degolasse (Travel Guru 824 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Pretty big country. Massive actually. What you see in a week will completely depend on what city you are flying into.

3. Posted by Tory-Vic (Budding Member 87 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

I am flyint to Toronto, but i am free to go anywhere, next stop will be Alaska.

4. Posted by rasika159 (First Time Poster 1 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Hmmm there are so many places to see and visit in canada. . . such as

1. Lake Louise, Alberta
2. Banff, Alberta
3. Montreal, Quebec
4. Quebec City, Quebec
5. Niagara Falls, Ontario
6. Vancouver, British Columbia
7. Churchill, Manitoba
8. Kelowna, British Columbia
9. Ottawa, Ontario
10. Prince Edward Island

But i think 7 days are not enough you can have a tourist for low air fare and more advantage offerings

5. Posted by Rebel.fone (Inactive 5 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

I think so too that 7 days will not be enough for your Canada tour. Canada is a big country and even to cover the most famous places you need minimum of 15 days. All the best places are already suggested by Rasika159. But don't miss out on Niagara falls and Prince Edward island.

6. Posted by Tory-Vic (Budding Member 87 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

thanks a lot guys, i will try to do this list,
but 7 days and 10 things.... I dont think it is bpssible :(
which ones i may miss? to keep the top best ones?

7. Posted by Degolasse (Travel Guru 824 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

You're right, you cannot do this list in 7 days. I would pick one region and stick to it.
Flying into Toronto, you could cross off Niagara Falls, Ottawa and Montreal. If you are a really fast traveler, maybe you could possibly squeeze Quebec City in, but I think that would be pushing it.

Or, if you make it to Vancouver instead, you could do a nice loop of BC, stopping in Kelowna and into Banff, Lake Louis, and Jasper.

As a PE Islander, I of course have to suggest coming this way too, but that would be part of a trip to the Maritimes, visiting maybe Halifax, Lunnenburg area, Cape Breton, PEI, and Fundy. It a bit of a ways from Toronto, so it wouldn't really fit into that trip, and is a bit of a long side trip for only 7 days.

8. Posted by NiciMeyers84 (Budding Member 6 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Degolasse

You're right, you cannot do this list in 7 days. I would pick one region and stick to it.
Flying into Toronto, you could cross off Niagara Falls, Ottawa and Montreal. If you are a really fast traveler, maybe you could possibly squeeze Quebec City in, but I think that would be pushing it.

Or, if you make it to Vancouver instead, you could do a nice loop of BC, stopping in Kelowna and into Banff, Lake Louis, and Jasper.

As a PE Islander, I of course have to suggest coming this way too, but that would be part of a trip to the Maritimes, visiting maybe Halifax, Lunnenburg area, Cape Breton, PEI, and Fundy. It a bit of a ways from Toronto, so it wouldn't really fit into that trip, and is a bit of a long side trip for only 7 days.

I always recommend Vancouver Island. But I agree with most of the other posters - 7 days is definitely not enough time to see all there is to see in Canada, you're going to be better off focusing on a particular locale i.e. Toronto and the surrounding area. Keep in mind that I spent 7+ days just getting to know Vancouver and Victoria - in my experience it's not something you want to rush but I understand if you have limited time.

9. Posted by Karentto (Budding Member 4 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

I also agree with the other posters--Canada is a relatively large country and many of the places that you'd need to see to start to feel like you've gotten to know it are geographically distant from one another (for example, a nonstop flight from Toronto to Vancouver takes 5 hours). I'm a lifelong Vancouver resident and I have yet to experience the East coast, aside from some time spent in Ontario. If possible, try to extend your trip to two weeks...

The itineraries suggested by the previous posters are excellent! May I ask about your personal interests such as whether you love the outdoors (hiking, sailing, biking), wine (as there are a few regions that may be of interest) or cultural (art, theatre, music--so people in the cities may suggest festivals if possible)? Will you be renting a car?

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