Google buys Frommer's

Travel Forums General Talk Google buys Frommer's

1. Posted by Sander (Moderator 6085 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Google buys Frommer's. Apparently the Frommer's content will be merged with that from "Zagat" (never heard of them), providing restaurant listings on "Google+ Local" (another thing I'd never heard of).

I know Frommer's is a pretty big classic brand, but I've never had anything to do with them. Every so often I've come across their website - mostly when tracking down duplicate posts from spammers who try to appear legitimate - but that's about it. Anyone here who does use them a lot, specifically their guides? Do you think Google will continue publishing those, or is this the end for them?

2. Posted by Peter (Admin 7286 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Well that's some big news! Suspect it's mainly about returning better review results. But then I wouldn't be surprised to see a major Google Travel site rear its head at some point in the near future.

3. Posted by Sam I Am (Admin 5588 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

I bet they cost next to nothing to take over for Google anyway, and like Peter says, some kind of Google Travel site is in the works (aimed at Tripadvisor I dare say) with all the purchases they've been doing in the travel space.

But don't worry, we turned them down

4. Posted by Isadora (Travel Guru 13926 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Sander

[ Apparently the Frommer's content will be merged with that from "Zagat" (never heard of them), providing restaurant listings on "Google+ Local" (another thing I'd never heard of).

The Zagats are a husband and wife team who visit restaurants/eateries all over the world. They review and rate the establishments then compile a guide. Places that have received high ratings will display the Zagat plaque and some frame the review page too. It's quite prestigious to be listed and receive a plaque. At least in the US, they are the 'who's who' when it comes to food. They don't just visit high-end places either. There's a little burger joint in New Orleans that proudly displays their Zagat plaque. Big and small, they visit them all.

5. Posted by beerman (Respected Member 1631 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Quoting Sam I Am

I bet they cost next to nothing to take over for Google anyway, and like Peter says, some kind of Google Travel site is in the works (aimed at Tripadvisor I dare say) with all the purchases they've been doing in the travel space.

But don't worry, we turned them down

Uh, I don't like the sound of "GooglePoint".........

Now TravelersOogle sounds interesting.

6. Posted by Daawgon (Travel Guru 2015 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

I don't get it, isn't Google rather high-tech? Isn't Frommer's extremely low-tech and very old fashioned? If they were to buy into the travel biz, you'd think they'd go for something like Airbnb!

[ Edit: Edited on 14-Aug-2012, at 12:05 by Daawgon ]

7. Posted by AlexWang (Budding Member 9 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

I'm sure Google has something up their sleeve to make traveling a lot more advanced. Real time reviews, and travel tips maybe. I'm sure it will end up being very useful for all of us. Everything else from Google seems to be.

8. Posted by DonnieG (Budding Member 5 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Frommers might be 'low tech', but they've got content. And content is king. Next step; book your flights through Google.

9. Posted by luvtravelin (Budding Member 24 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

When will this take place?

10. Posted by Sam I Am (Admin 5588 posts) 12y Star this if you like it!

Quoting luvtravelin

When will this take place?

It's already taken place...

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