Question about Costa Rica

Travel Forums Central/South America & The Caribbean Question about Costa Rica

Last Post This thread is marked as being about Costa Rica
1. Posted by jdbaker (Budding Member 4 posts) 11y Star this if you like it!

I will be visiting Costa Rica this June. My question is this...should I exchange my USD to to the Collones, or just take USD money? I will mostly in the big tourist cities of Costa Rica.

2. Posted by marcusgrip (Budding Member 20 posts) 11y Star this if you like it!

Hey! Well, USD are no problem to use in Costa Rica, especially not in the tourist places. Small shops in normal non-tourist cities might not BUT you will get more bang for your buck if you change to colones than with dollars. Usually they round up a little bit or overcharge because they need to change the money later to colones so in my long experience here, I recommend changing to colones but with tours and things like that, prices are usually written in dollars than in colones but for products, food, restaurants and so on, colones might be better.

3. Posted by jdbaker (Budding Member 4 posts) 11y Star this if you like it!

ok thank you! I am traveling with a group through if your familiar with that. Luckily everything is paid for already with the exception of souvenirs. I dont plan on going too crazy, but I believe I will switch over about 100 USD for colones, while also keeping about 500 USD with me, but do not plan of spending it all.


4. Posted by thegeegs (Budding Member 20 posts) 11y Star this if you like it!

I would suggest bringing some dollars and an ATM card.

Certainly not wise to carry a lot of cash if visiting tourist places. The tourist areas often take dollars, but always nice to have some colones. Plus if you want to pay in dollars, you often get a lousy conversion rate with a vendor

If you are coming in June, make sure you pack an unbrella!!

5. Posted by fraluchi (Full Member 132 posts) 11y Star this if you like it!

Quoting jdbaker

ok thank you! I believe I will switch over about 100 USD for colones, while also keeping about 500 USD with me, but do not plan of spending it all.

You'll be OK taking $ 600 in cash (preferably $ 20 notes). Just distribute them in safe places (not all eggs in one basket). Once in the country, change into Colones as you go along. There is a bank near you most of the time. And if not, anybody will change into Colones at the going rate of exchange (April 11th, Col. 495 to the $);)

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