Traveling to oz in September on my own

Travel Forums Travel Companions Traveling to oz in September on my own

1. Posted by slg6 (Budding Member 17 posts) 11y Star this if you like it!

Hi people

I am heading out to oz early September on my own. Not really sure where to start as I want to do the 3 months agricultural work straight away and get that extra year but not sure of the best place to start and do this.

Any body els got a similar plan and time?


2. Posted by C.Hearn91 (Budding Member 32 posts) 11y Star this if you like it!


I'm looking at heading out to oz around October time.. thinking of starting in Perth to get the 3 months work out of the way and then travel around for a bit after!

Message me on here or FB if you want to exchange info and stuff.


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