Boeing landing on Sint Maarten by Utrecht Star this if you like it!

Cupe Coy , Sint Maarten


makka 15y

Simply awesome ... i have to witness this!

Simon_Lu 15y

Woah..... now thats a picture!

Peter 15y

Oh my goodness. That's crazy!

sweet photo, yo!

LuisDafos 15y

Simply fantastic, one shot between a thousand...Put the horizon straight and it´s ready for National Geographic... Congrats for winning the contest... think we never had such a good bet for a winner in a so early stage of the contest... Don´t know even if I should bother to compete... Anyway! I´ll pick something nice hoping for the second place... ;-) Congrats again!!!

Sam I Am 15y

Not quite as bad as this one though Utrecht :) Oh, and here's a video of the same landing in St. Maarten.

Utrecht 15y

Cheers guys.
Imagine the sand that was in my shower that evening...;-)

Sam I Am 15y

Just imagine what it's doing to the ears of that guy sitting underneath it 'chilling' on the beach with a cocktail...

RMS8 15y

This photo is F*cking GOOD!! WOW!

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