Église Saint-Gervais-et-Saint-Protais - Oak Crucifix by Antoine-Augustin Préault by Beausoleil 3 Star this if you like it!

This statue of Christ carved in oak by Antoine-Augustin Préault (1809-1879) is in the Chapel of the Virgin at St. Gervais. There are also statues from the funeral monument of Michel Tellier (1603–1685) the Chancellor of Louis XIV, by Pierre Mazeline (1632–1685) and Simon Hurtelle (1648–1724). The figures include the Chancellor, in prayer; a weeping 'genie' praying at his feet; and two draped figures representing Faith and Religion. Two other figures from the group, Justice and Prudence, are found in the Louvre.

Paris 4e Arrondissement , France


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