Crowds at Les Nabis at the Luxembourg Museum by Beausoleil Star this if you like it!

We were at the Luxembourg Museum for a special exhibit titled "Les Nabis." If you are wondering who the Nabis are, so was I and this is what I discovered. Les Nabis were a group of young French artists active in Paris from 1888 until 1900, who played a large part in the transition from impressionism and academic art to abstract art, symbolism and the other early movements of modernism. The Nabis (from the Hebrew and Arabic term for "prophets,") were a Symbolist group founded by Paul Sérusier. They all ascribed to certain formal tenets - e.g., the idea that a painting was a harmonious grouping of lines and colors. They expanded their aesthetic into the area of applied arts as well, including architectural painting, decorative screens, murals, posters, book illustrations, and designs for the theater. It isn't my cup of tea, but it was an interesting exhibit and we were glad to have seen it.

Paris 6e Arrondissement , France


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