Mirepoix - Le Commerce Logis de France - We’ll be back for lunch by Beausoleil Star this if you like it!

We discovered Mirepoix in 1996 when staying at a campground in Belflou. Madame Casanave, the proprietress, suggested it and driving to it we got our first glimpse of the mighty Pyrenées Mountains. We were entranced with the very medieval looking half-timbered houses and shops that overhung the sidewalks. We've been back over the years and it has become more well known and more touristed so many of the quaint shops are gone and replaced with tourist shops and restaurants, but the charm is still there and the church has certainly benefitted from the additional alms offered by visitors. In summer it is more of a circus, but the rest of the year it's a busy little town that lets you have an idea of what it looked like hundreds of years ago. We drank our first Hippocras there years later. It's a fun place to visit.

Mirepoix , France


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