About @23morgan
45 years old • Female • teacher
I am 28 and have spent more years volunteering than actually studying in college... I love to work with children, I'm a 4th grade teacher in a spanish-speaking community on the southwest side of Chicago. I have two little sisters, one who is 24 and another who is only 9 months old, and I recently got married!
- Hobbies:
cooking, photography, traveling, reading, watching movies, dancing, yoga and spending time with friends & family
- Favourite places:
In Mexico: Veracruz, Holbox, Chiapas, Guanajuato and Playa del Carmen. Elsewhere: San Francisco, Belize, Honduras, Chicago, Florence, Zurich, Dublin, Budapest
- Elsewhere: http://www.naranjacompleta.com
you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose... but you can't pick your friend's nose
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