About @C.Glynn
51 years old • Female • Certified Yoga Teacher
I have traveled about the US... and now, I am quite ready to wander about the rest of this world! As Tolkien said "Not all those who wander are lost..." of course, they may get turned around a bit... but lost? Never!
My destinations for the near future include: Mont Blanc Circuit next summer, then Japan, and Peru hopefully sooner rather than later. I have travel buddies for some... and may be traveling independently for others.
- Favourite places:
New York City - there is no place quite like it!
EGYPT - the contrasts, the food.. the people... everything!
Adirondacks - for hiking & backpacking
Yosemite - Breathtaking!
San Francisco - lovely place to visit regularly... not for me to live, though!
Florida - best in the heat of August... seems crazy, but true, for me.
Hawai'i - the Big Island. I loved visiting the KECK Observatory on top of Mauna Kea. Certainly the Highlight of my trip.
New Orleans - hmmm... an interesting place... interesting.
Wales... certainly a separate country. Loads of sheep!
London - is GREAT! Seriously considering moving there at some point.
Northern India - the pristine spirit of the Ganges, Hardwar and Rishikesh were breath taking.
South India - Hampi... absolutely heavenly. Kannyakumari... love the heat & Vivekananda Memorials.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
02 Mar 2010 - 10 Apr 2010
07 Aug 2009 - 23 Aug 2009 • 4,321 kms
05 Aug 2008 - 19 Aug 2008 • 5,723 kms
United Kingdom
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