About @Ruso17
37 years old • Male
I'm 25 from the UK, easy going and enjoy a good laugh.
I'm planning on heading out travelling in October starting with Dubai then going to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and then stay in Australia for a year.
- Hobbies:
Gym, football and friends and family.
- Favourite places:
North Cyprus, been going there every year since I born and love it more and more every time I go!
SE Asia and Oz
• 19,846 kms
United Arab Emirates Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Laos Singapore Australia New Zealand Fiji
Forum - Latest posts
- Travel friends for Australia, late December early 2014
- Insurance
- Thailand. Cambodia. Laos Vietnam. Oz.
- Lone female traveller 24 looking for a buddy to go Thailand
- Facebook Group for Travellers to Australia 2013
- Travelling Thailand September 2013
- Male travelling to Australia Oct/Nov
- Bangkok - October, Australia November Solo!
- Thailand October - November 2013
Wiki Travel Guide
Ruso17 hasn't been active in the wiki travel guide yet. Have you?