About @TonyKRO
76 years old • Male
Happily retired after a career spent in sales and marketing management, I took photography up as a serious hobby in 2010 after buying my first decent digital camera (a Panasonic Lumix) prior to going on safari to Kenya in the February . I have now changed to a Cannon DSLR. and have had photographs published in the national and international press including the UK, France and Australia as well in the local press and on a regional companies calendar for the last two years. In January 2013 my photo of a 'Three Headed Giraffe' was a finalist in the Wanderlust Travel Photo of the Year in the Wildlife section. I live in Bicester, Oxfordshire and enjoy photographing landscapes, wildlife and plants and flowers, both locally and in Europe and Africa.
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- Elsewhere: Tonys Photos
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