About @amgine
47 years old
born in macau. it would be my pleasure to share the macau info with you.
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Travel Help
born in macau. Macau and HK are the great gateways to China. I would suggest the travellers to start the China trip from Macau, feel the unique blending of east and west, (i highly recommend to feel it by visiting the World Heritage "Historic Centre of Macau", you can experience macau's culture by cultural activities, macanese cuisine etc), see how does chinese living with western people for hundreds of years.
Ask amgine a question about China.
born in macau. pls feel free to send me your question if you wanna visit my city. you will feel the unique blending of east and west, (i highly recommend to feel it by visiting the World Heritage "Historic Centre of Macau", you can experience macau by cultural activities, macanese cuisine etc), see how does chinese live with western people for hundreds of years.
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