About @amyruth85
38 years old • Female
I'm 22 years old and about to set off on an adventure of a lifetime. I'm leaving my job as a PR Officer in Maidstone, England to travel the world for 8 months. I'll be visiting South America - Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Chile, New Zealand, Australia and Thailand. I've never done anything like this before and I'm so excited about all the places I'm going to see and all the people I'm going to meet!
- Hobbies:
I've recently got into Yoga and hope to carry this on when I travel. I love spending time with friends and catching up over lunch or a drink in the pub. I enjoy music and reading - and soon travelling!
- Favourite places:
I've not travelled much but I love London and Paris - I get a real buzz when I'm there. Cornwall is great - we used to go there on family holidays when I was younger. I've also had some great times in Greece with friends.
Round the World
01 Jun 2008 - 30 Jan 2009 • 50,822 kms
Brazil Colombia Peru Bolivia Chile New Zealand Australia Thailand United Kingdom
Latest Blog Entries
- Going out with a bang! in Amy's Worldwide Adventures
- Christmas in Paradise in Amy's Worldwide Adventures
- Back to the city in Amy's Worldwide Adventures
Travel Blogs amyruth85 runs
- Amy's Worldwide Adventures - Keep track of what I'm getting up to in the big wide world!
Wiki Travel Guide
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